Monday, April 19, 2010


I know, I know, I am a slacker. Sorry it has been a while since I gave a good hint. Life sort of crept in and took over, but now I am recommitting to get back to passing along easy ideas.
Today I wanted to talk about my labeler. I used to think that a labeler took too much time to use to label everything, but boy was I wrong. I first saw the idea of using a labeler from Martha Stewart. Who would have thought? But as I have worked on getting organized over the years, many of the professional organizers recommended using them. I use my labeler alot and use it to label things I never would have imagined it would help me with. I use a P-touch labeler and they are available at many places. I got my at Costco and I bouguth my daughter-in-law one for her birthday from there as well. They are also avaiable at Walmart or any other vairety store. They cost about $20 or $25 and are well worth the investment. They are very easy to use and there are unlimited uses for them. I have used it to label my CD boxes, kitchen containers, drawers I wanted to organize, boxes with pictures in them, containers with decorations in them, tabs on notebooks, my various cords, (see post on organizing cords), the pockets of my shoe organizer where I keep my spice packets etc. (see post on shoe organizers), sewing notions, and about a million other things. It is really worth the investment and the time and effort to label things. Once something is labeled, everyone in the house knows where to find it and more importantly, where to put it back. It also saves a lot of time when you don't have to tear things apart looking for something because you have labeled where it is which makes it so fast and easy to find. I was really skeptical about how much this would really help me, but once I decided to try it, I really can't believe I didn't do this before. How easy is that?

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