Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Drop a note to a friend or family member

Nothing makes someones day more than a heartfelt, sincere, note. Some of my most treasured possessions are notes and cards I have received from family and friends expressing a kind sentiment or expressing their love for me. I appreciate these so much and I look forward to birthdays and holidays when I know I might be receiving one. My husband, like many men, has a hard expressing emotion verbally, but expresses it to me in writing. I have kept all of the cards he has written to me over the 29 years we have been married. They mean so much to me and are among my most prized possessions. I like to re-read them and they make me smile every time I do. Likewise I have cards, notes, and letters written to me by my children that I also consider priceless. How often in life do we fail to tell those we love the very most how much they mean to us? We get busy with the menial daily activities and opportunites in which we should be telling those we love how special they are to us drift quietly by. We also seem to forgo telling others we admire them or tell them we notice thier talents or compliment them when we have a kind thought on thier behalf.

I received a wonderful email from a very dear friend a few days ago. It was an email written by someone else expressing how she felt about her mother. My friend forwarded the email to me and said she was sure my children felt the same way about me this young woman felt about her own mother. It made me cry. I have known this dear friend all of my life but we don't see or correspond very often, making this email even more meaningful to me. It only took her a minute or two to forward this email but it made my day, month and even my year to have her share this with me. I will remember how she made me feel for a long time to come, maybe forever. I heard something one time about how someone would never forget how you made them feel. Do we uplift and compliment those around us or do we drag down and depress those who are around us? Do we look for the positive or concentrate on the negative? Do we think about ourselves focusing on selfishness or do we forget ourselves and focus on selfishness?

Drop someone you know a note today. Make someone feel good about themselves and tell them how much they mean to you. You will never know how you might touch someone else for a lifetime. How easy is that?

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